jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010


Today, speaking English is essential. English is the universal language and people around the world are striving to learn. Moreover, this is a very important aspect of health professionals, because many scientific paper are written in this language, health professionals attending conferences in other countries also exchanged ideas and knowledge with people of different cultures and nationality, so it is important to learn English today. In addition, hospital managers will always prefer a bilingual person for appointment to a job title. It is even important in the care of people in hospitals, they may go outsiders and it is vital that health professionals can communicate with them to help them.
In my experience, the English language has always been hard for me. The truth is that my experience with English before entering the University (in school) was not very good. My English teacher was always sick, so not really learned much English. Do not enter the university with a good base of English, which affected my performance a lot throughout this course.
With respect to courses of English, has been my experience too complicated. It was very difficult to adapt to the pace of instruction. Early in the second tier of English (Begin) was eager to learn and I was saying to myself: "Now you can really learn English." I tried hard to get ahead, but a time came that I was very tired.
The same happened with the following English courses. The problem was that the English course was very late and after leaving I had to study, came very late to my house.
There was also positive. The truth is that English speaking end of the course, this would be impossible, but if I learned. I acquired new knowledge, what is progress and it is very important to me. Now, I'm finishing my English course at university, only missing the final exam, which I hope to do well for completion.
Finally, I would like to reinforce the importance of English in our time and encourage every person reading this blog to learn the English language and they will be very useful in your life in the not too distant future. In addition, we are surrounded by schools that offer learning the language, and there are even online programs for people with a busy life. And finally, tell them to learn English is not something that happens quickly because it is a process that takes years.
Good luck

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

My Faculty

Hi everyone! Today I`m going to talk about my Faculty. It is a very old building, so I think that important changes need to be done. The infrastructure is so nice, how I said before, it's a very old Faculty and I think than maybe it could be more modern, but laboratories and auditoriums are very good and they don't interfere with learning. My faculty has very beautiful green areas, and I think it is very important because we can relax and forget for a while of books, study, big tests, etc. And there is a special place where you can party with your friends and have a nice time called Plaza Blest.
Another aspect that I consider in my faculty is the computer`s presence in the library, it help to the people than don`t have a computer in their house or haven´t internet. For example, at this moment I´m writing in one. Computers in library were very slow, but now are so fast because the University buy new computers this year.
In my faculty there is a feature than contrast with others faculties, and it is the dogs in the faculty, it is full of dogs, who walk and live with us in harmony, and I greet them and caress them, they are very beautiful and full of love for all the faculty!.

Well, that´s all for this time, I hope it has liked to everyone and wait follow reading you, I´m going to study now because I have a test in my Faculty.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Test could warn women of early menopause

Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you are good. Today I will talk about an article that I read on the web. I read it on the website “the guardian”. The title of the article is “test could warn women of early menopause”. This is a very interesting and new issue. Article talks about the creation of a genetic test that would be good in cases in which women delay childbearing and then they want to have children and can not conceive. I think that it is a very good tool so that women can have an idea about when menopause will occur, and to plan the best time to conceive. The early menopause (menopausal women before the age of 35) is a problem that affect considerable the living arrangements of women and their partner.
Also, in today's world women are more independent and choose to study, work, travel, buying a home, enjoying life with partner, consolidated and then they think of having a child.
The article states that there are at least four genes involved in the onset of early menopause. This test is based on a genetic analysis using a blood test.
The postponement of motherhood is an important and increasingly our country. Moreover, as it relates to the reproduction of women, this is related to our future professional work as midwives
It is our duty to control the reproductive health of women and educate her about the consequences that entails conceiving a child later in life.
I believe that this is a great advance in science (though still remaining to be explored in it) may have positive effects both in the field of medicine and reproductive health as a social and psychological levels among women in our society today.
Well, finally I invite you to read this interesting article at link:http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/oct/18/test-women-early-menopause
I hope you like it.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


Hi classmates! So long! I hope you are good. Well, today I will talk you about an important issue of the actual world, this is the stress, and more specifically I will talk about the dealing with stress.
According to the dictionary the stress is a physiological reaction of the body (defence mechanism) to a situation threatening or increased demand.
Stress is very common in the Chilean people. Everyday we are subjected to different stress situation and this is reflected in the way of performing in the life. Also, stress can affect our health, causing serious health problems. Stress produce biological symptoms (tachycardia, sweating, tremors, insomnia, etc.), psychological (anxiety, excessive concern , etc..) and behavioral (nervous laugh, teeth grinding, tics, etc). But this doesn’t mean that every person who has a problem will suffer stress. This depends of each person, because all face the problems differently.
There are many causes of stress. A person can have it because an illness as it affects the person emotionally; or due of poor interpersonal relation in everyday life; or be generated for frustrating conditions of work or study (for example: excessive demand or competition, monotony, inconsistent standards, career dissatisfactions, etc) and environmental conditions (environment) may also be a cause of stress.
A great example of stress is mine and many fellow students because of the workload, time and emotional due to study at the university.
But there are different ways or methods to address the problem of stress. There are stress management techniques: massages, leisure activities, relaxation exercises, opt for alternative medicine such as yoga, etc.
Well this is all for today. See you soon…

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

My holidays

Hi all again! How are you? I hope you are good. This day I will talk about my holidays!. This year I want go to the beach with my family, it´s a family tradition, we every years go in this date. The september holidays are expected in all the country, more in this year in that our country meets two hundred years old!. I too wanted go to my boyfriend house, he lives in the sixth region, in the malloa´s town. It´s a very quiet place, with good people and all are friends. I like go rest to this place and also I am with my love!. We too thought go to the beach with friends, but this still not confirmed, because the girl that invite us, still don´t know if we can go to her house. I love this vacation because everyone is happy, the people join and enjoy the holidays in the fondas, make roasts, eating empanadas, etc.
I like the holidays because I can be with all my family a week, and we can talk all things, because the last time when we were togheter was in the summer holidays, then this is the opportunity for rediscover the last holidays. We have a house in the beach, where go all my family, it is in the Algarrobo´s city, in the fifth region, near from Valparaiso and Viña del Mar, and we constantly go to this cities.
Well classmates, this is all for today. I see you at the next blog.

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

My first book

Hello classmates! Today I will write about the first book I read, it is called Harry Potter and the Azkaban´s Prisioner. I read it when I was twelve years old, it was recommended by my mother, because she also read it before and she loved it. I read ir because i had watch the movies of the latests book, and the movies were very fantastics, the first was called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, I watch this movie one time in my house, with mi sister Constanza, we hallucinate with this movie and we wanted to be wizards too!. Then we wait the next movie, we can go to see it at the cinema, it was really amazing, it was the first movie I see in a cinenema´s room, i can´t believe it, that was fantastic, the sound, the movie, all was incredible. This movie was called Harry Potter and the Secret´s Camera. Then I search the third book, and I find it in a Library in the Pajarito´s Street, I supplicate to my mother if she can buy it me. When I had the book in my hands, I can´t stop read it until I finished it in three days. The interesting in this book is yhan it creat a fantastic world in my mind, I imagine all in the book, I see the castle, the amazing animals, all the characters in the movie, I imagined in my mind while I read the book. The book liked me so much because it created a fantastic world in my mind and I was very small when I read it.

Well classmates, I wait you liked my history, it was the first I read: Harry Potter and the Azkaban´s Prisioner.

See you later, goodbye everyone!


jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

My blog experience

Hello classmates! This is the last blog, so today I will write about my experience during the session’s blog.
Before the first session blog, the truth is that I was afraid. I thought it was very difficult to talk about a topic in English, but after making the blog so I concluded that it is not very difficult to perform, it can even be entertaining.
Really, some days did not feel like to do but the truth is that I surprised myself. I thought my blog would have a lot of mistakes. However, sometimes the corrections carried out by the teacher of English were minimal.
I know I am not an expert speaking or writing in English and I think I'm still far from it, but I think the blog sessions have been very enriching for me. Maybe not able to communicate fluently in English but has been useful in some way.
In general, the topics of the blogs were very interesting, as well as I could express how much I love midwifery and my desire to serve the community.
In addition it has been interesting to know the views of my classmates deal with various issues.
I had more difficulty developing some blog and not others, but the difference was minimal.
A recurring mistake was that I was wrong in the order of words.
In conclusion, the blogs were a good tool to try to think in English and able to develop properly the text on the theme. In addition, these gave me space to develop my ideas and points of life in a foreign language: English.
Well, this is all…
Rest this weekend
Good bye everyone.